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NABAS The Balloon & Party Industry’s Trade Association
01787 221026

Party better

A NABAS membership doesn’t just demonstrate the commitment of our members in maintaining high standards when it comes to events, products, and design, it also highlights their commitment to ensuring that their practices are environmentally friendly, which includes reusing and recycling balloons whenever possible.

We continue to develop partnerships that help NABAS members and their customers make better choices. We also believe that education is crucial is developing a sustainable industry and a customer base that shares our values, which is why we continue to create and innovate campaigns and supportive material to help spread the message.

Whatever your colour scheme, keep it green

That’s our message to our members and their customers.  We all want a safer, sustainable world to live in, and party need not compromise that, in fact, we should all behaving fun and celebrating without compromising the planet.

Which is why we have launched a series of new materials for use on social media and to hand out to customers to help you and them forger a better future for everyone.

We have printable guides for weddings, baby showers, general parties and corporate events. PLUS be sure to keep a close eye on our social media channels to share the message on your own.

Access the assets

These materials are free for members to download and use, and we encourage you to do so to help spread the message and encourage best practice.

Knowledge is power, and power drives change

To help you continue to reduce your environmental footprint, we’ve launched a series of articles to help you on your way:

How to reduce post-party balloon waste

Looking for a smarter, safer clean up? Here’s how:

Never Release Balloons

NABAS does not support balloon releases. Read our post below to find out more and help protect our environment.

Latex all the way

We are incredibly committed to safeguarding the environmental future of the planet, and this includes sharing the facts on the environmentally friendly benefits of using latex balloons.

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